Reports / Health and Safety

Annual Reports

2009/10     2010/11     2011/12     2012/13     2013/14  

2014/15     2015/6       2016/17     2017/18     2018/19

2019/20     2020/21     2021/22

District Accounts

2013/14  2014/15  2015/16  2016/17  2017/18  2018/19

2019/20  2020/21  2021/22

Annual Reports for Charity Commission

2013/14  2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18  2018/19


Health and Safety Documents

Policy and Arrangements, Curly Hill

District Constitution

District Newsletters

May 2017              May 2018

June 2017             June 2018

July 2017

October 2017

December 2017

 Press Releases

St George’s Day 2019   

Torch Race 2019      

Curly Hill Improvements 2019